These Days
My weekend has opened up to being another one without kids. I had planned on them being gone for Friday and Saturday during the day, I wasn’t expecting for the trip out for their uncle’s birthday to last through the whole weekend. I’m trying to be understanding and working through these moments of “flexible” Chris, can’t say I won’t miss the time that I wanted with my kids this weekend.
So, instead of sitting around the house, I decided to go to a show tonight at Dan’s Silverleaf, the first in a while where it wasn’t to support friends or be involved in the show. I’ve never been a listener of the Old 97’s but a few friends were headed to the solo show and I decided that I’d make a go of it. I’ll hang for the show and plan on running in the morning. Climbing plans are on hold while I let my right hand heal up from a gnarly callus tear/nearly infected blister under another callus (bathroom surgery is one of my specialties) and so I’ll try to take it easy tonight and get in some miles before we have to go get Turkey Trot signatures at 11.
Today was one of those days at work where I was ready for the end of the day before it began. My students were finishing up a project and I was just hanging around while they worked. I made an appointment to get my slow leak tire checked for after work and pushed through and headed over. $300 and two new tires later I made it home and chilled out for a bit before I was going to spin around the neighborhood before the show. The last week I’ve been eating pretty poorly because of the leftover pizza sitting around from the party on Sunday so I decided to not run and cook for the next couple of weeks instead.
It’ll be a busy weekend, one that the kids would have enjoyed, but I’m going to get out and enjoy those things alone. Getting used to it by now.