Podcast and video production
I’ve created podcasts and video promos for over a decade through a personal podcast project, school projects, and for work.
cultural Connections
I created this podcast episode for a course I took in a counseling program. Only one exists, and here it is!
stage directions blog
I curated, booked, promoted, hosted, and edited Stage Directions Blog with a co-host in 2010-2011 with over 50 episodes all told. We focused exclusively on theatre creators around the DFW area.
Sadly, the internet swallowed most of the audio-only content. However, video content exists from many episodes. Don’t judge the hats, I was coming to terms with thinning hair!
We sit down with Broken Gears Project Theatre’s creatives and discuss their production of August Strindberg’s The Creditors.
The NPN met in Dallas for their international symposium in 2011. We chatted with several world-renowned performance artists throughout the weekend.
I took my daughter to see a performance troupe, The Jumbies, at the Fort Worth Modern.
The full archive of episodes is on Vimeo!
I created this video as a promotional piece for the fine arts department I chaired for four years.
I used Canva to create the interstitial frames.