I’m finally done with after school responsibilities for the near future and have the opportunity to take my daughter to her swim team practice for the first time. Of course, I’m running into current and former students all over the place and pretty hungry since I ran to work and back today and didn’t eat enough. I’m finding this to be a recurring issue, not getting enough calories during the day to sustain the energy that I expend through running. Rookie shit, man.
This time of year also brings about the weight loss contests that they do at my job, something I’ve never participated in. While I lost 20 pounds at the beginning of the school year, my activity level in the next month is going to be fairly high but I don’t have time to cut weight. I’m racing more this season than I have in the past, Rocky-Pacing Outlaw-Cowtown Half-Tinajas 50K all just in February. Gotta keep the nutrition coming in to stay on top. I offered to help anyone who wanted running information/training plans and had one person talk to me about it. We shall see… I told her she had to cut me in on the winnings if she beat the others.
Been really busy the last week with UIL stuff for the show, three 12+ hour days back to back and we didn’t bring home the hardware. We had a great performance, better than we had any right to expect, but the judge was looking for different stories this year (and every year). I told my students that I wanted them to have a unique experience that people Willis remember for the right reasons and I stand by that. My district level boss took some pictures of our show and it definitely captures the spirit of the show. 10 gal of confetti on an actors head at the end of the show? Don’t mind if I do!