I’m sitting in my mostly clean and empty classroom blaring music at levels my students would complain about. They are worse than the old neighbors I had as a kid yelling at us to turn down our damn music because it was interrupting their Wheel of Fortune episode. Last year at this time, I was in a really bad place. I was looking at 200+ students for my program, un-assisted, and in the beginning of some very deep personal revelations.
I survived the year, actually had some good things happen and have really pushed to keep what my friend John and I joke about, a PMA. I’m looking at 180+ students in my program next year, still un-assisted, but with the knowledge that I’ve done it before and I can do it again.
Yesterday, after work, we went over to my choir director’s place and hung out for a few hours early in the evening. It was a nice way to end the year.
This last day of work before summer officially starts, I’m in a better place overall. I’ve got some plans in place to keep myself focused this summer and will be updating fairly regularly as well as trying to share some of my fiction in a different series on here. I’ll probably be posting some as audio-stories as well as some podcasting stuff. It’ll be a mix of running/art-ing/living and that’s pretty much where I’m at right now in my life.
I can’t say I’m in a perfect place, I know there will be some low points this summer but that is to be expected. As a director, I would say that my transitions need work.